Citizen journalism
a rough guide to telling your stories in word and image
You will find the guide on my Medium blog:
- A few definitions
- Introducing citizen journalism
- Backstory
- Making a start in citizen journalism with basic skills and equipment
- Our challenge: the district of media
- Things we will encounter
- Dealing with conspiracy theories
- The legals
- An insight into copyright
- On offence
- On bias
- Be wary of word salads
- The necessity of skepticism
- Types of stories and writing
- Practices for citizen journalists
- Writing and distributing our stories
- Writing: a few considerations
- Let’s start writing
- About formats: News or features?
- Follow the arc
- Write sticky stories
- Writing reviews
- Doing radio interviews
- Civic affairs reporting for citizen journalists
- Using audio and video
- Photography for the citizen journalist
- Shooting video for Mojo
- The time is now