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Tag: australian city farms & community gardens network

community gardens

The community gardens network: one of the fair food movement’s early organisations

Community gardeners — they're a community of practice long a part of the fair food movement in Australia…

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Social planning comes first in community garden design

When it comes to starting a community garden, social design precedes site design, and we have developed a simple management

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Meeting helps Leichhardt develop community garden policy

A hot, sultry and sticky night didn't deter 45 people coming together to help Leichhardt Council develop their policy on

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Great conference, good people… but this is Tasmania after all

A speaking engagement at a conference leads to an edible tour of the island state, the gem of the Southern

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Plains To Plate signals arrival of food as sustainability issue

Adelaide's Plains To Plate Food Convergence signals that food has arrived as a social, community and sustainability issue...

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Collaboration, participation build something new on something old

At Carrs Park, participatory planning and construction, cooperation between citizens and council and collaboration are creating a new community garden

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David Holmgren: design approach to food security

David Holmgren says cities can feed themselves...

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